Jackie Krammer Classical Homeopathy, LLC

Address your health issues in a natural, deep and lasting way through homeopathy
The symptoms you are experiencing now are part of a bigger picture. I provide homeopathic care that addresses your health problem while supporting overall wellness.
I am a nationally certified, experienced homeopathic practitioner who works with individuals and families in the Twin Cities and beyond. Let’s talk about your needs and how homeopathy can meet them.
Your health problem
Your first question is probably whether I treat your current health problem. Homeopathy can help with a wide range of acute situations like childhood ear infections and surgical preparation, and ongoing problems like allergies, asthma, skin conditions, and depression. Whether you have a diagnosed issue or something just doesn’t “feel right,” I will work with you to get you back to feeling your best. See a list of conditions addressed and when homeopathy is appropriate.
Your consultation
We meet to look at where you are now with your health, where you've been and where you want to go. The approach is comprehensive, personalized, and professional. Find out what happens during a homeopathic consultation and how I work with you.
Your questions
I encourage you to call so I can answer your questions and we can talk about your specific health concerns. If you are interested in exploring natural healing, contact me for a consultation.

"Homeopathy helped me with post traumatic stress and depression from a car accident. Jackie's treatments helped me feel calmer, alert, and aware of other people, but no longer afraid of driving. Not only did I heal physically, but I healed emotionally. It was a perfect treatment for me and helped me so much." – Ashley W.
Homeopathy has a long history in past epidemics of safety helping people who are ill. As knowledge of a virus develops in the homeopathic community, we work together to identify remedies that are most effective.
Staying safe and well
Practice good public health and home preparation measures to mitigate transmission. Prevention strategies for colds, viruses and influenza to consider aside from the public health measures you should be doing:
This is the perfect time to cut down on alcohol and sugar and refined foods.
Vitamin C 1,000 mg daily
Vitamin D, 2,000 IU - 5,000 IU daily
Zinc 10-15 mg daily
Elderberry (Sambucas nigra) one teaspoon syrup daily
Good rest and enough sleep
Stay hydrated.
In case of illness
If you or someone in your family gets symptoms of the cold, influenza or a virus, please contact me for a phone appointment. We will deal with the symptoms as they arise. My pharmacy is well stocked with remedies.
If you are having severe symptoms please seek medical attention. These include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, persistent pressure in chest and inability to arouse.
Lingering COVID symptoms
Some people are still feeling unwell weeks and months after contracting COVID. These COVID long haulers may be experiencing brain fog, chronic fatigue, relapsing fevers, bowel pain, internal organ pain and other symptoms.
Homeopathy has a history of effectively treating people who have never felt fully well since contracting influenza or another virus. Often the mainstream medical path does not have a lot to offer.