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Additional Information


Homeoprophylaxis (HP) is an immune system education program towards infectious contagious disease. It is safe, non-toxic and easily administered. HP is based on 200 years of medical practice and research.


HP is the systematic use of nosodes prior to exposure to disease for the purpose of educating your child’s immune system. HP stimulates natural immune system response and enhances normal childhood development.


When to consider a homeoprophylaxis program


The HP Program is designed for parents who have made the decision not to vaccinate their children, but who would like to employ a safe alternative method of disease prevention. No method of disease protection can be guaranteed 100% perfect. The Program is flexible.  If there are diseases that you feel have become obsolete or your child has outgrown the risk period of that particular disease the respective nosode may be dropped from the list.


Click here to watch my presentation on homeoprophylaxis.


How it works


Upon repetition of the particular remedy it is understood that some aspect of susceptibility to that disease has been fulfilled. Research has demonstrated that children who complete the HP Program and then have definite exposure to a disease covered in the program, show greatly reduced incidence of contracting that disease.


Supplied with the program are sufficient remedy doses for up to 4 children to complete four years of homeoprophylaxis to the most commonly vaccinated against childhood diseases. Remedies selected are based on current disease prevalence and risk factors. Additional remedies may be added to the Main Program if there are special circumstances or needs i.e., for foreign travel or disease outbreaks.


Remedies in the kit are potentized preparations of the disease germ or human discharges produced in relationship to that particular germ (homeopathic nosodes). Remedies are easily administered orally as tiny sugar pellets that dissolve under the tongue.


Families must be under the supervision of a homeopath who is certified in the HP Program and trained to administer the protocol. I am formally certified and can supervise your family. As an HP supervisor, I am your point of contact for the duration of the program.

Starting the HP Program


Many parents have questions about homeoprophylaxis such as: how does the program work; what are the benefits and risks; at what age children can begin the program; and what if my children are partially vaccinated.


I encourage you to call me with your questions at 612-824-7808.


Once your questions have been addressed, we will set up an appointment to get started. At this appointment we will review the HP protocol, officially register your family into the program, go over nuts and bolts so you know exactly how to give the remedies, and discuss any additional questions you have.


Costs for the entire program which includes supervision, remedies, record keeping booklet and shipping along with a lifetime family membership in Free and Healthy Children International is $458 for one child, $565 for two children, $572 for three children and $579 for four children.


To learn more

I strongly encourage parents considering the HP Program to check out Free and Healthy Children for more information about how the program works to educate your child’s immune system.


Another resource is The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis the Vaccine Alternative, co-authored by board-certified classical homeopaths, Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott. This book includes information on:

  • basic functioning of the immune system and importance of fevers

  • how to support healthy development of the immune system to be free of allergies, food sensitivities, ear infections and developmental delays

  • vaccination history, development and present application

  • vaccination’s effect on the developing immune system

  • introduction of homeoprophylaxis as an alternative method of infectious disease

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Starting the HP Progrm
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Benefits of Homeoprophylaxis


Why families choose Homeoprophylaxis (HP) as a vaccine alternative include:

  • an immune system education program geared for children towards infectious contagious disease

  • safe and non-toxic: HP doses contain no preservatives, adjuvants or chemicals of any kind

  • one disease at a time: HP supports the developing immune system to recognize and mount an appropriate immune response to one disease at a time

  • easily administered: diseases are introduced when homeopathic pellets touch mucus membranes in the mouth in the same way that Mother Nature introduces diseases

  • based on 200 years of medical practice and research

  • parents are in the driver's seat: HP is an ideal program for parents who ask questions and want to choose what they feel is best for their child


Children benefit from the HP Program:

  • the immune system remains intact and knows how to manage illness

  • the body knows how to get a fever and how to recover

  • the body is free of toxins

  • the nervous system is not disrupted by immune modulators

  • they are likely to have a reduced incidence of allergies, asthma and skin conditions


Thank you to the families who have entrusted their children’s health in HP and for trusting in another way.


Here is the link to the first peer-reviewed study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. This survey of over 6oo children, collects mothers’ reports on the health of their biological children ages 6-12 years old.


Key study findings include: Vaccinated children were significantly less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but significantly more likely to have been diagnosed with other infections, allergies and developmental disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and/or a learning disability.


This article references studies and trials showing the efficacy of homeoprophylaxis in treating infectious disease and epidemics. 

immune response

Supporting your child's immune response to childhood infectious disease


HP is a good option to consider if your have chosen not to vaccinate your child for some or all childhood diseases and want to strengthen your child’s immune response. The remedies in the prograsm work as a homeopathic prophylactic and can help altert your child’s immune system to fight the disease.


Please contact me if you are interested in knowing more about homeoprophylactic options for addressing measles, whooping cough, meningitis, tentanus and other childhood infectious diseases.


Check out the Free and Healthy Children site for information about homeopathic approaches to prevent and treat measles.


I am unable to take new clients at this time.




Phone: 612-824-7808

If I’m with a client, please leave a message and your call will be promptly returned.


 Jackie Krammer Classical Homeopathy

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